Sunday, August 26, 2012

Randomness from the past two months. :-)

For the past two months we have not had internet because of the work that was going on for our addition. We just got our dish reinstalled a couple of weeks ago and I have finally decided to blog agian. :-) What has happened in the last two months?

We now have two more rooms upstairs and a full basement underneath those two new rooms. We are currently waiting on the electric inspection so that we can get things moving again. Getting the homeowners electric permit was a fiasco that took over 2 weeks and 2 times of faxing our building permit up to the county building who lost it or didn't recieve it and never decided to call and let us know that. We just recieved the permit in the mail and will hopefully be getting the inspection done sometime this next week. I was going to put some pictures on here, but the camera is in the bedroom and Ben is taking a nap. The pictures are all on facebook though. :-)

I am back to eating more "normal" now, although I still have to avoid lots of sugar otherwise I get an upset stomach, corn and any of its other forms ( I can eat it occasionally maybe twice a month, so I have to decide which craving I want more, usually nachos with "real" tortilla chips or popcorn with a ton of butter and salt, nachos win the most.), I do fine with some forms of diary, greek yogurt, some butter and mozerella cheese, and can't handle most of the others at all. After the DALMAC I will have to go back to being more strict on it for a few weeks, because to survive on these long bike rides of 70 miles I need Powerade and the second ingredient in Powerade is...Corn Syrup. :-(
 Benefits of the diet: I've found out which foods aren't good for me, the rash on my hand is completely gone, the rash on my leg is very faint, it was almost gone, but I started drinking Powerade so I wouldn't die,  AND my last two thyroid labs that I had drawn came back with all normal levels!! Including the antibody levels which have never, ever been normal since I started testing my levels. :-)

Family addition. :-)
 Also in the last couple of months I've been working on an addition to our family. :-) Baby # 2 is going to join us in approximately 30 weeks. 27 if it decides to follow Seth's example. Nausea is pretty much gone now, although I do have bad days a couple of times a week. "Morning" sickness has been much different then with Seth, with Seth I pretty much knew that before 10 in the morning would be bad and that if I wasn't laying on the couch around 6:30-7:00 things could get bad. With this little one it has been more random, popping up whenever it wants to, never enough that I have thrown up but enough that I don't want to move and thinking about any kind of food or drink makes me stomach roll. However, the past couple weeks have been 70% good days and on the other 30% it isn't really that bad. :-)
 Seth doesn't really know what's going on yet, although we do talk to him about the baby, I don't think he will really know until baby is actually here. Latest cute Seth moment: Seth went with me to my first ultrasound. After it was all done I was showing him the picture up on the screen and showing him baby. He looks at it for a minute and then looks and me, "Laying down?"  "That's right, baby is laying down." "Sleeping?" "Yeah, it probably is sleeping." "Oh." :-)

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