Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Over the past few weeks I've been reading "Kisses from Katie." It is a true life story of a girl who moves to Uganda at the age of nineteen to show the people there God's love. Now at 22 or 23 she is in the process of adopting 13 girls.
 I was blown away by this book, not nescisarily the adoption or the picture of life that she paints in the book, but at the ways that she is finding to show God's love to EVERYONE.  She seeks out people to show love to, doesn't wait for people to come ask her to show them love or to show up on her doorstep needing help. She goes to them. It got me to thinking about myself and my love towards others. Do I wait for a need to arise or do I go out of my way to bless others before the need is there?
 Everyone needs to read this book, if we all started living like Katie (I don't mean the moving to Africa and adopting 13 kids :-)  ) but loving unconditionally, seeking out those who need God's love and blessing them with what we can do, then our nation and world would be incredibly different.
 Starting in my corner of the world, I'm setting a goal to randomly bless one person each week for the month of May... at this point it will be people that I know, not sure what I'm going to do or how I'm going to do it yet, but I try to keep you updated on here about how it goes. :-)

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