Friday, May 18, 2012

I just love weeks where I feel really accomplished. This week is not one of them. :-) However the past couple weeks have been, so I figure I get a break.
~ I finally finished diapers that I had started for Seth months and months ago... they work pretty well but I have found some things that I would change like making the tabs longer, the middles thinner and make sure that I sew slower so that they look as good as I want them too. :-)
~ I finished a Christmas present for someone else that was "given" 2 Christmas's ago. Given as in I told them about it and they never had anything to open.... at least it was a sibling, right. :-)
~ I started Seth's memory book. I had been wanting to do this for a while and finally sat myself down to do it. I just got a large journal at Wally-world and decided that was good. There are these really cool sets at Target that some with pens and stickers and cool quotes and already have some page layouts and places for pictures, but I didn't want to take back the journal and didn't want to go spend more money.
 Memory books are different then scrapbooks in that there is a lot more journaling then in a normal scrapbook. There are lots of really cool ideas on Pinterest on what to include and how to jazz it up a bit. In the front I wrote a letter to Seth explaining what it was, how much we loved him and some other random thoughts. Now that it is started it's so easy just to go write something in it really quick. I'm still planning on making Seth a scrapbook but this is one way to keep up with all the little things that you don't want to forget but don't have pictures of. Like Seth's first story that he told me which was "Woof, woof, meow. meow, bang, bang."

 As for my goal of showing love in unexpected ways to one person each week, it's going good. The first week I surprised my sister Anna with a coffee. And I took my grandparents some pie. This probably doesn't sound like much, but I don't normally do random things like this, so for me it's a big step. I still don't know what or who I'm going to surprise this week...better get on it though since I only have 2 days left. :-)

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