Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Being an Example

 Reading John 5:19-30 today for Bible study has made me think about the example that I am being for Seth and others.

 "So Jesus said to them,'Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.For the Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing...'" John 5:19-20a

 Jesus did not do anything except what he seen the Father doing, he followed his daddy's example. What did Jesus see the Father doing? Jesus seen his Father show unconditional and sacrificial love, he seen his Daddy breathe life into those that were dead and give them new life. His Father did not judge even though he knew the hearts of men, his Father was waiting patiently for people to turn and believe and when they did He was there with open arms, whispering love and forgiveness to them.
 I need to be this type of example for my children. I need to be one that loves unconditionally, even to those that make it hard, one that will pour myself out for others without holding anything back. I need to withhold judgement, because I do not know the thoughts and hearts of others. I need to offer forgiveness and then forget about the offense. I need to make everything that I do honor God, make everything an offering of worship to the one who gave everything for me, I need to take every thought captive. I need to encourage others to build them up, not yell to break them down. I need to be patient with others. I need to be like Jesus, I need to be like the perfect Father. To do this I need help from the very one I am trying to emulate.

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