Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Little "Big" Helper :-)

 Seth loves to help, it doesn't matter what I'm doing, he "needs" to help. :-) Which is good, because in a couple months I'll need his help.
Seth is a very good carrot destroyer as well as being an expert whisk licker.

 Seth likes to be silly in his free time.
 He wasn't quite sure what to think about the deer that Daddy got at first, but pretty soon he wanted to go shoot his own.
 Seth has watched Daddy shoot guns so he knows all about ear protection. :-)
 Seth loves pictures at any time, and it is a very good way to distract him if he is getting into to much trouble trying to help.
 "Momma, look at my tower." Seth has already become quite the architect. He loves to build towers for Momma and Daddy to knock down.

Showing Momma his helping chart. He has several different ways that he can earn stickers for his chart throughout the day, some include: helping put away laundry, most of it is unfolded by the time he is done but we are working on that, helping wash dishes, I've learned the least messy way is to strip Seth down to his diaper otherwise we need a whole new outfit, and brushing his teeth, 2 stickers are available for this, he now wants to brush his teeth all day...good oral health habits, right?

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