Sunday, June 3, 2012

Week 2 - Anti Candida Diet

 Two weeks ago I started one of the many versions of an Anti Candida Diet. I started this because I have had a rash on my hand and legs for over a year that just wasn't going away no matter what I did. My doctor confirmed it was a yeast rash but just kept giving me different creams to put on it. After several months of that I decided it was time to take things into my own hands. After lots of reading and researching I decided it was finally time to do whatever it took to get rid of this itchy, scaley, very annoying rash. Two weeks ago I started a super strict diet that doesn't allow any sugar, fruit, dairy, packaged or processed foods, and vinegar. White potatoes are very limited.
 So what can I eat? Veggi's, lots of vegetables, rice, buckwheat, quinoa, millet, nuts and seeds, as long as they are raw and fresh, and lots of coconut. Coconut milk, oil and dried unsweetened cocnut flakes. I'm trying to get some sort of coconut every day because of the anti-fungal properties of the coconut and coconut oil. The plus with the coconut is that is since it is naturally sweet I still get some sort of sweetness. Sugars that are allowed are Stevia, Splenda and Xylitol. I've tried Stevia and I can't handle the aftertaste. Right now I'm using Splenda, I know that it isn't exactly the healthiest option, but I don't think a couple of weeks is going to hurt to much. I also just picked up some Xylitol from a local health food store, so I'll be trying that in the next few weeks.
 I've learned that my body doesn't like dairy, at least the pasturized and homogenized kind.....last night I cheated a little and put some butter on some peas and probably half an hour later the spots on my hand where my rash was (it had almost disapeared completely) were throbbing and burning and when I woke up this morning it was back. :-( I also don't handle cabbage very well, cooked or not. I had that last night too, I had stir fried it, and I woke up in the middle of the night with really bad stomach cramps. I had noticed this happening before I went on this diet, but related it to something else.
 At first my plan was to stay in Stage 1 for only three week, but now I'm thinking I may need longer than that. Stage 1 is supposed to be continued until all symptoms are gone or almost completely gone. Stage 2 you get to add in new foods 1 at a time and see how your body reacts. First you add yeast, wait a couple of days and then add something else. Stage 2 can last a long time..... Stage 3 is just really healthy eating, with limited sugar, lots of vegetables, fruit if you can handle it and whole grains.

This has been my favorite way to help my sugar cravings.

Pumpkin Sweet Potato "Mousse"

1 cup Pumpkin
1 whole baked sweet potato,peeled
1 can coconut milk, refrigerated overnight so you can get the cream, you aren't going to use the liquid milk, just keep it for something else

Put it all in the blender and mix until smooth and fluffy. You may need to add some of the coconut milk just to lighten it up a little. If you aren't on a sugar free diet this is going to taste very plain and not sweet at all, but after a few weeks of no sugar it will taste amazing! :-)

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