Thursday, September 20, 2012

Seth-boy turns 2!!

Monday was Seth's 2nd birthday!!! Last year I was so on top of things, invitations were sent out weeks ahead of time and all was well. This year I thought "Oh, Seth's birthday is in a few weeks," days pass, "Oh, Seth's birthday is next week," days pass, "OH MY GOODNESS!!! Seth's birthday is TOMORROW!!!!!!!"

 So... this is what we did for Seth's birthday. Ate, ate and ate some more is what the pictures tell you. But I promise we did more then that...we took a nap too. :-) We made Seth's favorite breakfast, blueberry pancakes with blueberry sauce that got everywhere. Even his armpits, how he got it up past his sleeve I have no idea.
This is how Seth smile now when asked. Silly boy. He got his favorite meal. "Nuggets and Ries." Healthy I know. But that is what the birthday boy asked for.
We ate his other favorite meal for dinner. Pizza.

This is about as excited as he got about opening his present. We got him a VegiTales movie that Ben and I ended up watching while Seth played with blocks. :-)
 Seth is going to think that birthdays last a whole week now because on Monday he went to Nana's and got a present, Tuesday he went to Grandma's and got presents from all the uncles and on Saturday we will be having family over for cake and ice cream where there will be more presents.

I guess I better start thinking about a cake now.

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