Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wasting talents at home???

 Today I was saddened when I heard a woman talk about how she was wasting her talents by staying home and taking care of her family. After saying this she shrugged her shoulders and said "Oh well, I guess it has eternal value right?" Her comments shocked me a little but what shocked me even more was that none of the other women in our group looked worried, some seemed to agree with her and none of the older women tried to encourage her or spur her on in her calling as a mother and homemaker.

 As woman we are made to be the keepers of our homes. Mothering and home-making becomes our JOB. We are training the next generation to live for God and to influence others around them. Training can be hard work, but it should be a JOY. We live in a free country and can school our children any way we choose, we have the freedom to teach our children about our Savior and we can still discipline and correct our children any way we choose.
 Older women are supposed to be training us, encouraging us and prodding us on to do the work that God has called us to do and lately I find myself wondering where these women are? Titus 2:3-5 is very clear on this subject.
 "Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God" Titus 2:3-5
 This year I'm teaching 3 year olds in a local CBS and I'm really excited, however once again I'm wondering where the older women are. Many of the ladies who teach the children have their own school aged children who they are trying to home-school and run their households and balance all the other responsibilities of mothering on top of preparing lessons and activities and committing their time, 6 hours a week on study days. I'm glad that each of these women are willing and able to teach, but where are the older women. Those who are grandma's, retired or even employed part time that could be giving their time to help and relieving the younger ones. For a lot of young mothers this Bible study is our chance to actually spend some time learning more about God and having fellowship with other like-minded women.
 Balancing time for me hasn't been to hard but I only have one toddler and a part time job as a piano teacher. I don't know how I would do with 2 kids or more and trying to school some. Some may say it's just an organizational/time management problem and anyone should be able to do it, however I feel differently.
 Reading over this some of it may sound like I'm not glad I'm teaching, on the contrary I am because I know that I'm enabling some other mother to get into the Word and study. I love teaching the 2-3 year olds, that is pretty much the best age ever. However, I would like to see more older women get involved with those of us who are younger.

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